If you follow me on @Dailyawp you probably have seen this already.
This year, the prelims have left many students in uncertainty. Many are on the border, according to different cutoff predictions. Similar to the situation with the China border, there is no agreed-upon cutoff; it keeps changing based on different keys. In short, no one knows exactly what the cutoff will be. Thank you, UPSC, Union paper is subjective commission [I still have immense respect for the institution].
Again, not to generalize, but while the GS paper was unpredictable, the CSAT was the real dream killer this time. The usual suspects are scoring 80+ in GS, but many are in the low 60’s in CSAT. Based purely on that, if you are scoring 75+, you should start preparing for the mains. If you have attempts left, start your mains preparation.
Hello Essay!
No matter what you read, or how much people motivate you, aspirants have an affinity to waste time until results come, so if you have to kill time, why not do it in style.
Starting from 05-06-23 Monday every day 6:30 PM- 7:30 PM, let’s meet on Zoom and learn how to write a philosophical essay from the basics.
Free Essay Interactive sessions. [Open to all]
05-06-23 Introduction
06-06-23 2 PYQ Philosophy topics Discussion
07-06-23 2 PYQ Philosophy topics Discussion
08-06-23 2 PYQ Philosophy topics Discussion
09-06-23 2 PYQ Philosophy topics Discussion
10-06-23 2 PYQ Philosophy topics Discussion
11-06-23 Sunday, write an Essay FLT and post on @dailyawp
12-06-23 2 PYQ Philosophy topics Discussion
13-06-23 2 PYQ Philosophy topics Discussion
14-06-23 2 PYQ Philosophy topics Discussion
15-06-23 2 PYQ Philosophy topics Discussion
16-06-23 Prelims results are expected. So, when you clear prelims, you are ready with the essay.
The Zoom links will be shared on @DailyAWP on Telegram
If you are from Hyderabad, you can attend the sessions offline at Reflections IAS academy, Live sessions are more productive as you will learn by doing, interacting.
If you have any questions or quires regarding the essay or mains preparation, feel free to message me @kalyanzz
PS: Essay Test series will commence after prelims Results!
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