So much news in a day, so less time to cover it all and even bigger problem is how to analyse and develop perspective ?
Well, I will try and do that, we will see how it goes.
1) If we don’t vaccinate every one soon, none of us are safe
In this persuasive article Vaccination is our only weapon the most important arguments is that India needs to vaccinate 75% of the population in five weeks, not five months, as the real threat is that the virus is spreading, replicating, and mutating and might render the vaccines useless.
How do we fight the misinformation about vaccines ?
How will you fight vaccine hesitancy ? What out of box solutions will bring to the table ?
Remember what you are fighting against:
Covid a hoax, vaccine will kill us, say Aligarh residents who’ve ‘sworn’ against taking shot In Aligarh, be it Hindus or Muslims, the young or old, most don't want to get vaccinated against Covid. They claim 99% people die because of it.
BJP MLA leads Agnihotra procession to “fight COVID-19” Smoke emitted from the ritual fire would “clear the air and rid it of COVID-19 virus droplets.”
Also remember poor literacy rate in rural India, which stands at 64.7 percent, as opposed to nearly 80 percent in India’s urban areas. [ Why education and scientific temper are important]
But there is hope yet
How Health Workers Are Fighting Vaccine Hesitancy In Villages , In Nashik district, Dolas, the ASHA, approaches villagers in the fields and reminds them of the vaccines they were given as children and how those did not cause adverse effects.
Why the urgency ? India will be condemned to new variant pandemic cycles with cyclical and devastating consequences on lives and livelihoods. [the Number of poor in India (with income of $2 per day or less in purchasing power parity) has more than doubled from 60 million to 134 million in just a year due to the pandemic-induced recession.] Mass poverty is back in India
2) One state one citizen
In this article in today’s Hindu Professor Ilan Pappé argues that One-state solution is the best way forward in Palestine and Israel issue, he says that the whole premise of the two-state solution is wrong, providing Israel the immunity to continue its ethnic cleansing.
There is a lot of technicality mentioned in the article and this infographic gives a clear idea to the reader Palestine and Israel: Mapping an annexation.
India’s official stand is based on moral grounds and with near universal approval on the issue.
India has been consistently supportive of the Palestinian cause. India has also called for a two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian issue. We reiterate our view that the final status issues should be resolved through direct negotiations between the two Parties and be acceptable to both. Via MEA
3) WhatsApp (University) Issue
Recently government of India has notified Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021.
So… WhatsApp is taking the Indian government to court over the traceability clause in the new IT Rules 2021.
The rules require messaging platforms such as WhatsApp to trace problematic messages to its “originators”, how services that are end-to-end encrypted can adhere to this is the heart of the debate. Signal is fully E2E /Telegram {Only secret Chats} are E2E.
The signal protocol which WhatsApp uses doesn’t allow anyone to read the messages, not even the messaging app itself, can track or read messages.
WhatsApp is invoking the 2017 Justice K S Puttaswamy vs Union Of India case to protect the citizens’ privacy.
If WhatsApp creates an India only version without E2E encryption will people still use it ? Or migrate to Signal
What will happen to all the chain message senders ? Misinformation spreaders ? Right to livelihood !!!
If you are really interested What Is the Signal Encryption Protocol?
4) Why Fit India is important
The article Slowing the pace of India’s mucormycosis threat brings out a lot of information about India’s mucormycosis threat, In a lab study published in Nature Metabolism, SARS-CoV-2 can potentially multiply in pancreatic cells and contribute to increased blood sugar levels in COVID-19 patients.
According to a study in The Lancet , the number of people with diabetes increased to 65 million in 2016 in India.
Just in case Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. A medical professional who practices oncology is an oncologist.
5) Digital education will lead to asymmetrical society ?
Higher education institutions were directed by the government to shift from classroom education to online education.
There are 993 universities, 39,931 colleges, 3.73 crore students and 14.16 lakh teachers in India, according to All India Survey on Higher Education (2018-19). [We now know why every Indian YouTube channel have a million+ subscriptions !]
Milind Kumar Sharma argues that Because of this education is denied to the less privileged student community.?
What will be the impact on quality of learning ?
How will massive open online courses (MOOCs) change the education landscape of Indian higher education system?
What are the challenges involved to move towards online education?
6) Why Understanding the true scale of the tragedy is important for policymakers
Why ‘excess mortality’ figures for Covid must be calculated and Interpreting deaths in Chennai are two articles on similar topics from Indian express and The Hindu respectively.
Understanding the true scale of the tragedy today will also enable better district-level planning to counter future pandemic waves.
Indian policymakers should take heed of some ancient wisdom on public health surveillance mentioned in the Arthashastra: “Any doctor who is called to a house to treat a severely wounded person or one suffering from unwholesome food or drink shall report the fact to the gopa and the sthanika. If he makes a report, he shall not be accused of any crime; if he does not, he shall be charged with the same offence (which he helped to conceal).”
We can also use Census 2021 to get clear picture? once when the dust is settled.
7) Quote
“Wherever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference.” - Kevin Heath
8) What Are You Doing With Your Life? The Tail End
9) What is the one article, fact, quote, video, topic that you have liked today !
Share it in the comments, will share the best in tomorrow’s mail!
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